Learning, as blogger, that the much desired transition by all parties from a "Non-Renewable Energy terminal illness" to a "Renewable Energy Long-life" - As long as the sun shines"- was going to be an incredible struggle cf. The excellent and free ebook "Without hot Air" by Prof. D. MacKey, Univ of Cambridge. I placed my hopes in what I called The Scottish Model, which at a rapid glance appeared to have a fair amount of renewable sources, Wind, wave, hydro, and to a lessor extent Solar: PV, heating, highly qualified people through a strong University system and a tradition of engineering. Well if recent government sources are to be trusted my hunch, my intuition appears to be well founded.
To quote Napoleon Boneparte (roughly) a graph, a picture, a drawing is worth a long discours:
Source: DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change)
Note 1 - The Scottish Government has announced a more challenging 2020 target for this indicator - the target is now 100% of gross electricity consumed in Scotland to come from renewable sources by 2020, WOW!
=> Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources Ranked_Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, energy security_Information Overload Mastered
=> Solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security reviewed _Parametres used to classify and rank_Follows previous post
=> Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources Ranked_Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, energy security_Information Overload Mastered
=> Solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security reviewed _Parametres used to classify and rank_Follows previous post