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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Video Wall - 2 videos show error messages but do not hinder visioning- Triumph of physics, chemistry and engineering

Video Wall - 2 videos both of which concern the same video,

Flat-panel electronic displays: a triumph of physics, chemistry and engineering

show the  error message (503 Service Unavailable) In fact only the cover image has been removed. This does not hinder visioning  so please enjoy the show,

Flat-panel electronic displays: a triumph of physics, chemistry and engineering

 well worth visioning. A must for all Material Scientists and Engineers

High Purity Cr sources for Superalloys

Energy for th Future:Phil.Trans.A-Vol. 365, N° 1853 / April 15, 2007, curtesy The Royal Soc. London

Engineered foams and porous materials: Phil Trans A. Vol 364, N° 1838 / 06 curtesy_The R Soc. Lond