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Monday, 30 November 2009

Materials Technology@TMS: Web-Link Information

Materials Technology@TMS is a sister organisation of my life-long professional Materials Institute, The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) both house collaborative websites designed to be a professional knowledge networks.

Online technical communities have been developed to allow materials professionals from all over the world to network, share knowledge, and utilize resources. As such, you are welcome to add the power of Materials Technology@TMS to your site's pages.

"Developed and managed by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Materials Technology@TMS is the on-line technical community environment developed by and for materials scientists and engineers. Here, materials professionals can network, share knowledge, and utilize resources in technology-specific communities through discussion boards, databases, research, articles, proceedings, newswires, and other informational tools."

NB. IOM3's Materials World"> can also be followed on Twitter. More? Get news by joining for free Materials Twibes by Richard Cooper IOM3's webmaster.

These links and more may be accessed on the RHS Menu. under the heading "Materials Science & Eng. Free Online Journals-Resources"

European professionals may opt to join both societies via IOM3 with eTMS at a benificial rate.


Richard Cooper said...

Thanks James! There is a Twitter feed for Materials World although we don't use it at the moment - you can however get all Materials World news as well as news on other activities from IOM3 at

Unknown said...

Good Richard, Thanks for reading me.
Had a quick squint at the Materials World news line on Twitter. Looks just great. Spotted the addition on pipleines and CO2. Must follow that up.

Cheers Richard and keep up the good work.
PS. Do you have a direct RSS feed link I could add to my blog?

High Purity Cr sources for Superalloys

Energy for th Future:Phil.Trans.A-Vol. 365, N° 1853 / April 15, 2007, curtesy The Royal Soc. London

Engineered foams and porous materials: Phil Trans A. Vol 364, N° 1838 / 06 curtesy_The R Soc. Lond