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Wednesday, 10 October 2012

The Institute of Physics have opened their Journal of Physics_Condensed Matter_Highlights for 2011 are freely available to read-download for a limited period (31Dec2012)

The Highlights 2011  are a collection for Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. They include outstanding papers, fast track communications, topical reviews and special issues published in the journal over the last year. These articles were selected by the Editorial Board on the basis of a range of criteria including referee endorsements, citations and download levels, and simple broad appeal. 

The articles will be free to read until 31 December 2012.

This wealth of 1st class publications are available in the following 10 sub categories:

  • Surface, interface and atomic-scale science
  • Liquids, soft matter and biological physics
  • Nanostructures and nanoelectronics
  • Solid structure and lattice dynamics
  • Electronic structure
  • Correlated electrons
  • Superconductors and metals
  • Semiconductors
  • Dielectrics and ferroelectrics
  • Magnetism and magnetic materials             Read the Editorial Presentation in Pdf

  • FIND the fast track papers at this LINK


    The 20 best Topical Reviews based on downloads, Here but require an IOP subscription, sorry.

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    High Purity Cr sources for Superalloys

    Energy for th Future:Phil.Trans.A-Vol. 365, N° 1853 / April 15, 2007, curtesy The Royal Soc. London

    Engineered foams and porous materials: Phil Trans A. Vol 364, N° 1838 / 06 curtesy_The R Soc. Lond